

Our certified trainers deliver on the promise of having the knowledge and skill with the right tools at the right time. We build our training around three functional components of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM: Operational (Sales, Marketing, Service), Collaborative and Analytical CRM.

Software Selection

We take an unbiased look at the CRM software market and provide a comparative analysis of the most suited options compared to Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.Software selection process starts with the analysis of your requirements to envision the system you need.

Implementation Consulting

Your team is not up to par with building a new CRM system or you are a few versions behind your Microsoft D365 CRM solution? Don’t worry , we can help. Analyzing the tasks and business processes you want to perform in a CRM system we design a desired solution based on your stated goals.

Improvement Consulting

Already have a Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM solution? We deal with the backlog of CRM issues and plans you’ve been putting off, prioritizing them and implementing the changes hustle-free. Every step of the way we explain how you can benefit from each improvement

Migration Consulting

Your current CRM system is not performing to your stated business goals? Leads and leads are lost, processes are broken and you have reached the limits of your patience. We can help you migrate your current CRM solution to Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM software solution

Analytics Consulting

You are lost with the plethora of reports that make no sense? Don’t worry – we can help! We will design your  analytics, reporting and configuration and setup of your KPI for sales, marketing and customer service departments all in one place visible and measurable at a team, individual and executive level. 

Consolidation Consulting

We plan your transition from several siloed CRM systems towards a single robust platform that will be used enterprise-wide. The challenge we sail through is to unify CRM processes across all departments and business units and thoroughly cleanse the data we put in a new system.

Business Analysis

You are stuck with bottlenecks in your day to day operations? Deadlines are missed ? You start loosing the grip of your business processes. We can help ! Our business analysis consultants will mapp your sales, marketing and customer service processes and point out necessary improvements

Project Management

Using Sure Step, Agile or any other project management methodology for implementing your CRM solution ? We will work with your team every step of the way to meet the deadlines of your on-time and on-budget project. We promise a better ROI on your project management servicing

Quality and agility in everything we do

We guide your team through entire implementation process from business readiness assessment, fit gap analysis to drawing business processes and mapping  them to D365 CRM workflows and configuring the solution. We conduct thorough business analysis of your core sales, marketing and customer service processes and recommend improvements and suggest implementation plan.   Pre and post  implementation our Microsoft certified trainers provide training for your technical and non technical teams.

Our Approach – Do It Right the First Time

We believe in relationships. Therefore, our main implementation approach is building a mutual trust between our consultants and clients by the ways of quality expertise, professionalism in all dealings and superb customer service. Whether you are implementing your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM software  solution from scratch or migrating to Microsoft D365 CRM we deliver on the promise of doing it right the first time.  Our consultants have delivered excellence on numerous D365 CRM implementations across different industries and verticals.


Knowledge of CRM processes and the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM solution was  at the forefront of working with your certified consultants. Delivery was on time & on budget

Quality, agility and professionalism of your CRM consultants is what made all the difference in a seamless delivery of our Microsoft D365 CRM solution

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